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Trapping Supplies by Category!

Animal Snares
Premium Snares By: AuSable Brand, Snare Shop & Southern Snares
Animal Traps by Bridger Traps, Duke Traps, Sleepy Creek Traps, MB Traps, Victor Traps and More
 You'll find the largest selection of fair priced Animal Traps.
Antifreeze products to keep your trap line going all winter long. Get yourself some of this to prevent your traps and dirt hole sets from freezing up this winter.
AuSable Brand Trapping Products
AuSable Brand Trapping Products made in the USA. Quality traps, trap setters, trowels, urines, sifters, pack baskets, fur handling equipment, and more!
Trapping Books by Hawbaker Trapping Books, Carman Trapping Books and Many Other Leading Trapping Editors
Trapping books by Hawbaker, Carman, and many other leading trapping editors.
Muzzleloaders & Accessories
Traditions Muzzleloaders and Accessories
Traditions Muzzleloaders & Accessories
Trapping How-To DVDs and Trapping Videos
Complete trapping DVD and video library. Featuring DVDs & videos on raccoon trapping, fox trapping, muskrat trapping, beaver trapping, coyote trapping, mink trapping, water trapping, and more.
Tanning Supplies
Fur & Hide Tanning Supplies. You'll find the largest selection of affordable tools for home tanning fur and hides, home tanning solutions.
Fur Pelt Preparation
Fur Handling Products. Quality built fur handling gear. Fur stretchers, fleshing knives, skinning knives, fleshing boards, fur combs, and everything else you need to care for your fur catch properly.
Gifts & Novelties
Furry Critter Book with real fur, Sterling kids coloring book, trapper's Christmas cards and thank you cards, custom made beaver knife, and more!
Iverson Traditional Handcrafted Snowshoes
Iverson Snowshoes are handcrafted in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Warranted for 5 years. Made with only select northern white ash frames.
Lures, Baits, and Ingredients by Top Lure Makers
Lures, urines & baits. Over 30 brands!
Trapping Dyes and Trap Waxes
Trap dye and wax
Trap Modifying and Trap Fastening
Trap modifying and fastening hardware. Featuring shock springs and in-line swivels.
Coil Spring Trap Setters, Body Grip Trap Setting Tools and Long Spring Trap Setting Tools
Coil spring, body gripper, long spring, and DP dog proof raccoon trap setting tools.
Pack Baskets
Trapper's pack baskets are perfect for trapping, hunting, camping, and fishing. Featuring traditional hardwood pack baskets and fiber tough pack baskets
Trapper's Trowels & Trapper's Hammers
Trapper's trowels & hammers. Everything you need to dig trap sets and to drive trap stakes. Featuring heavy duty AuSable Brand trowels and trapping tools made in the U.S.A
Trapping Accessories
Trapping accessories including trap drags & stakes, trap tags, trapping wire, trap setters and much More! Featuring AuSable Brand dirt sifters made in the U.S.A
trapping boots proline, trapping waders, trapping hip boots, trapping boots
Quality winter boots, hip waders, and hip boots from Lacrosse and Proline.
Garden Supplies
Bird houses, feeders, garden accessories & more.
AuSable Cable Stakes
Great selection of trapping cable stakes, rerod trap stakes, trapping drags, and grapples. Featuring AuSable Brand rotating drags and trap anchor cable stakes made in the U.S.A.

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