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Fur Harvesters make sure you take advantage of the wealth of information on trapping and predator calling on the web today!
Minnesota Brand Traps

Also try the Minnesota Brand Coil Spring Trap Setters: MB 650 Trap Setter and the MB 750 Trap Setter.
Unmatched quality and out of the box usability have made the Minnesota Brand
Traps a universal standard wherever Fox, Coyote and Bobcat are trapped.
What's your favorite? MB 450, MB 550, MB 650 or MB 750? No matter
which MB you go with you will catch more fur and spend less time modifying
Volker's Cookie Cutter Trap Bed Maker is available for MB 550 Traps, MB 650 Traps, Bridger #2 Coilspring Trap and Bridger #3 Trap.
Price: From $17.75 to $203.00
The 550-CL (2-Coil) Closed Jaw. It has an outside jaw spread of 5 1/2" and an inside jaw spread of 4 3/4". The cast jaw face is 3/8" thick.
Price: From $20.75 to $228.95
Minnesota Brand MB-550-RC 2-Coiled Offset Fox & Coyote Trap
Price: From $20.25 to $232.00
Minnesota Brand 550-RC Fox & Coyote Trap 4 Coiled - The 550-RC has an outside jaw spread of 5 1/2" and an inside jaw spread of 4 3/4". The cast jaw face is 3/8" thick and the offset is 3/16".
Price: From $20.39 to $234.00
Minnesota Brand 550-RC Fox & Coyote Trap 4 Coiled
Price: From $22.29 to $245.00
Minnesota Brand MB 650 coyote trap with inside laminated 1/4" offset jaws
Price: From $22.05 to $244.00
Minnesota Brand MB 650 coyote trap with outside laminated 1/4" offset jaws
Price: From $24.29 to $265.00
1/4" Offset Jaw - 6 7/8" outside jawspread, 5 3/4" inside jaw spread. Heavy Duty American Chain With HD Crunch Proof American Made Swivels. A full 9/16" jaw face
Price: From $16.95 to $197.00
Minnesota Brand MB-450-FH 1 1/2 Coil Spring Trap
Price: From $16.95 to $199.00
The MB-450-FOX version has all of the features of the 450-FH except lighter. 125 diameter American made music wire springs and 3 crunch proof swivels in the chain instead of two. The FOX version was built upon request from some of the nations top fox men.
Price: From $16.95 to $197.00
Our MB-450-Offsets are ready! The MB-450-OS has all the features of its closed jaw brother including: Paws-I-Trip Pan system with the night latched dog, heavy levers, music wire springs, crunch proof swivels, and a 2 piece gusseted frame.
Price: From $20.59 to $219.00
Minnesota Brand MB-650 Coyote / Bobcat Trap
Price: From $27.05 to $299.00
Minnesota Brand MB-650C Malleable Cast Jaws
Price: From $34.95 to $359.95
MB-750 Beaver (1/4" O.S. Jaw) Check out these features of the MB-750 Beaver trap: 7 1/4" jaw spread. 4-coiled for strength, speed and stability. Both jaws held down by a special trigger system preventing beaver and otter from flipping up the loose jaw.
Price: From $31.95 to $348.00
MB-750 Beaver (Laminated 1/4" O.S. Jaw) Check out these features of the MB-750 Beaver trap: 7 1/4" jaw spread. 4-coiled for strength, speed and stability. Both jaws held down by a special trigger system.
Price: From $31.95 to $319.95
Minnesota MB-750 Beaver Trap Regular Jaw
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